Two youths wanted in connection with Letterkenny burglary
Two youths are wanted in connection with a burglary in Letterkenny.
The incident happened at the Tennis Club on the High road at 3am on Saturday morning.
A window to the side of the entrance door was smashed and entry was gained.
Damage was caused to an internal door also but nothing was stolen.
The two youths were captured on CCTV footage entering the building at approx. 3am and they spent approx. 10 minutes inside.
They had their faces covered.
Gardai say that additional CCTV will also be examined in the surrounding areas.
They are appealing to anyone, particularly taxi drivers who may have been on the Port Road or the High Road between 2.45am and 3.15am and who may have captured these youths on dash cam footage to contact them in Letterkenny.