Almost 770 patients waiting for a bed at LUH in February


There were almost 770 patients waiting for a bed at Letterkenny University Hospital during the month of February.

Nationally, the number of people on trolleys in February 2022 has exceeded pre-pandemic levels of 8,515 in 2019.

According to data released today by the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, Letterkenny University Hospital was on average the third highest level of overcrowding in Ireland during the month of February.

Figures show that there were 766 people in total waiting for a bed in Letterkenny compared with 407 in February 2019, representing a 53% increase.

Nationally, there were 9,869 patients without a bed in February of this year.

In a statement INMO General Secretary Phil Ní Sheaghdha said that the Saolta Hospital Group which Letterkenny falls under, makes up for 30% of overcrowding in February.

Ms Ní Sheaghdha says that bespoke plans to tackle overcrowding in each individual hospital are now urgently needed.

The post Almost 770 patients waiting for a bed at LUH in February appeared first on Highland Radio – Latest Donegal News and Sport.