QUERY: “Is Good Friday a Bank Holiday?… or a Public Holiday?”
A regular query around this time of year is: “Is Good Friday a Bank Holiday?” The answer is yes, Good Friday is a Bank Holiday – i.e. it’s a holiday for banks (and some other businesses). However, it’s NOT a statutory Public Holiday. The terms “Bank Holiday” and “Public Holiday” are commonly confused, and as a result, when someone refers to the Easter Bank Holiday they could be referring to either Good Friday or Easter Monday. Most Bank Holidays are Public Holidays however this isn’t the case on Good Friday.
There is no entitlement to Public Holiday pay on Good Friday and there is no obligation for employers to give their employees the day off unless it is part of an agreement (e.g. ERO). On the other hand, Easter Monday is a Public Holiday and employees have Public Holiday entitlements such as a paid day off.
This year, Good Friday falls on 15th April 2022.
You can read about public holidays and your entitlements at: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/employment_rights_and_conditions/leave_and_holidays/public_holidays_in_ireland.html