Cashel Na Cor to reopen on Monday
The HSE has confirmed that Cashel Na Cor Community Inclusion Hub will be reopening on Monday.
This follows temporary closure due to the need to redeploy staff from Cashel na Cor to a residential facility in Inishowen which provides 24/7 hour care to people with disabilities.
The residential facility experienced a significant COVID-19 outbreak which affected high numbers of staff and residents.
Cashel na Cor will be returning on Monday next to pre-outbreak service levels that were provided to Priority 1 people who access day service provision there.
It is intended that Cashel Na Cor will operate at full capacity as soon as possible as staff are deemed fit to return to work in the residential service & Cashel na Cor staff are then returned to the day service.
This situation is monitored and managed by the COVID-19 outbreak management team who meet with Infection Prevention Control several times each week.
Additional home support will also continue to be provided for people who attend the day service who cannot yet return.
Rather than have to temporarily close Cashel na Cor, every effort was made to source staff from other areas and agencies but this was not possible due to service requirements in other areas and the lack of agency staff available.
Scaling back or closure of services only takes place after extensive efforts to redeploy staff from other services.
Donegal Disability Services are aware of the impact of service closure on people with disabilities and their families and are working with the HSE Human Resource department to ensure contingencies are in place.
However workforce availability is limited with particular areas, such as Inishowen, particularly difficult to recruit to.
At present there is a recruitment campaign underway for Social Care Staff and there have been recent interviews carried out for other grades such as nursing staff.