Explainer: What is going on with flights and how long will travel disruption last for Irish holidaymakers?

Dublin Airport apologises after passengers miss flights due to queues - BBC  News

This weekend saw more long lines for passengers, and the cancellation of some flights due to strikes, staff shortages and a “Covid spike” at Aer Lingus.

So what is going on, and how long can Irish holidaymakers expect the summer travel disruption to last?

SEE  FULL FEATURE:  https://www.independent.ie/life/travel/travel-news/explainer-what-is-going-on-with-flights-and-how-long-will-travel-disruption-last-for-irish-holidaymakers-41794731.html

HEALTH: Prescription medicine prices vary hugely across pharmacies, survey finds

The cost of commonly used prescription drugs can almost double between one pharmacy in the State and another, according to a new study.

Wide price variations and a lack of price transparency in the pharmacy sector are highlighted in the study by researchers at Trinity College Dublin and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). None of the more than 1,500 pharmacies surveyed displayed prices on their websites, and one in eight that replied to a call or email did not provide a price, despite regulatory guidance stating pharmacies should provide medicine prices to patients.

SEE FULL FEATURE: https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/2022/05/30/prescription-medicine-prices-vary-hugely-across-pharmacies-survey-finds

BoI chair calls for Irish banker pay cap to be lifted – Should bankers be allowed more than €500k salaries?


The chairman of Bank of Ireland has said restrictions on remuneration which apply to it and other banks here should be replaced by European Banking Authority guidelines on pay.
Patrick Kennedy said the pay cap (a mere €500,000 annually) and ban on variable pay are not replicated in any market in which the bank does business.
“They create an uneven playing field between the bank and other corporates, both banking corporates and non-banking corporates, with whom we compete for talent,” Mr Kennedy told the bank’s annual general meeting (AGM) in Dublin today.

SEE FULL FEATURE: https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2022/0526/1301346-boi-chair-calls-for-irish-banker-pay-cap-to-be-lifted

One in four families say they cannot afford a holiday this summer

How to have a luxurious yet adventurous European family holiday

One in four consumers say they will be unable to afford a holiday this summer, as the cost-of-living crisis hits household budgets hard.
However, others have been frustrated by the repeated lockdowns – and plan to spend more this year on a holiday than they did last year, according to the latest KBC Bank consumer sentiment survey.

Some people had already factored in the higher cost of airfares and hotels, and expected to have to spend more, said KBC Bank economist Austin Hughes.

SEE FULL FEATURE:  https://www.independent.ie/news/one-in-four-families-say-they-cannot-afford-a-holiday-this-summer-41690064.html

Nearly half the Irish public doesn’t trust Government to tell the truth

John Kierans column: This Government will go down as our worst in history -  John Kierans - Irish Mirror Online

Almost half of the Irish public (48%) does not trust the Government to be honest and truthful, with 58% of people believing that it communicates inaccurate and biased information.
The figures are contained in a study commissioned by University College Dublin, which saw 12,000 people across six countries surveyed in January this year, including 2,030 people in Ireland.

The survey found that the Irish public’s perceptions of the Government are more negative than other countries, with just those in Britain and Poland rating their governments as less trustworthy.

SEE FULL FEATURE: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/nearly-half-the-irish-public-doesnt-trust-government-to-tell-the-truth_arid-40879916.html

Department insists ‘no backlog’ as 195k people wait for new passports, and blames any delays on form errors

The Passport Office on Lower Mount Street Dublin 2/2/2022. Gareth Chaney/Collins Photos

The Department of Foreign Affairs insists there is no backlog in processing passports and has blamed forms being filled out incorrectly, as almost 200,000 people wait for their delayed travel documents ahead of summer holiday season.

Four in 10 passport applications are incomplete and this is the major cause of long delays in issuing documents, the Department of Foreign Affairs has said.

SEE FULL FEATURE: https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/department-insists-no-backlog-as-195k-people-wait-for-new-passports-and-blames-any-delays-on-form-errors-41681458.html

Who pays more income tax, workers in Republic or in North?

The higher rate of tax in the Republic applies to all gross taxable income above €36,800. Photograph: Franck Prevel/AP

In tax and benefits terms, it has long been assumed that it is better to work in Northern Ireland but to receive unemployment benefit or a State pension in the Republic, but this Study finds that all income groups except the top 30 per cent of earners would end up paying less tax in the Republic’s system, effectively debunking the notion that most workers would be better off  working north of the Border.

SEE FULL FEATURE: https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/who-pays-more-income-tax-workers-in-republic-or-in-north-1.4885184

Irish billionaire’s club saw fortunes swell by €15.5 billion during the pandemic

Ireland’s handful of billionaires had an excellent pandemic swelling their already enormous wealth to the tune of €15.5 billion in just over two years since the global health crisis began.

By contrast close to 700,000 Irish people – including 200,000 children – are facing deprivation as we head into the summer of 2022.

SEE FULL FEATURE: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/irish-billionaire-s-club-saw-fortunes-swell-by-15-5-billion-during-the-pandemic-1.488585

Summer 2022 Covid travel rules: What Irish holidaymakers need to know before they travel abroad to France, Spain, Portugal and more

Holidays 2021: France, Spain, Italy, Greece & Portugal FCO travel advice  latest updates | Travel News | Travel | Express.co.uk

Many Irish people will be taking their first summer holiday abroad since 2019 this year. After two years of Covid uncertainty, some sun, sea and scenery are to the forefront of the mind.
But the pandemic has not completely gone away and there are rules and restrictions to be aware of, particularly if travelling to a foreign country.

The Irish Independent has compiled a list of some of the most popular destinations for Irish holidaymakers with factsheets to help you prepare for the most anticipated summer in quite a while.
As well as sun holidays in Europe, Disneyland is calling and for the first time in two summers Irish families can head stateside, sample some Poutine in Canada or hit the glorious beaches of Thailand.

Destinations included: Spain, France, Portugal, USA, Italy, Greece, Canada, Thailand, Croatia and Dubai.

SEE FULL FEATURE: https://www.independent.ie/life/travel/travel-news/summer-2022-covid-travel-rules-what-irish-holidaymakers-need-to-know-before-they-travel-abroad-to-france-spain-portugal-and-more-41671528.html

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