Eamon Ryan insists Ban on Sale and Distribution of Turf and Smoky Coal WILL proceed

Minister for the Environment Eamon Ryan has insisted that a proposed ban on the sale and distribution of turf will proceed from September.

The proposal would also extend a ban on smoky-fuel from certain cities and towns onto a nationwide basis. There is strong opposition to the ban from some Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael TDs in western and midland counties.

Mr Ryan said it was never the intention to stop people cutting turf on their own bogland but that this was made “unclear in the last week because people were just scaring people”.
“It’s not (that) we’re going to put your granny in prison for burning turf from down the road, but it is getting it right where we get our air quality improved.”

He accepted there would be differences but said the scale of change required was so great that “if we do it as a party political thing, a divisive issue, we won’t get the people behind it”

SEE FULL STORY:  https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/eamon-ryan-insists-ban-on-sale-and-distribution-of-turf-will-proceed-1.4852631