Four Donegal LEAs see decrease in Covid incidence
According to the latest figures, North Inishowen has maintained the highest incidence rate of Covid-19 in County Donegal – but its rate of the virus has fallen sharply in the last week.
It was one of four of Donegal’s seven Local Electoral Areas that saw a decrease in their Covid incidence in the last seven days – five of them were also below the national average.
Latest figures show that North Inishowen had 250 cases of Covid-19, and a 14-day incidence rate of 1,473 cases per 100,000 people – that incidence is down 501 cases per 100,000 on last week.
Milford had the second-highest figure in the county, but also saw notable drops in its Covid incidence, with 196 cases and a rate of 1,423 – down 290 on last week.
Other LEAs that showed sharp decreases in Covid incidence were Glenties and South Inishowen – Glenties with 249 cases and a rate of 1,041, down 107 on last week, and South Inishowen with 222 cases and a rate of 992, down 210.
However some rises were seen in other areas – Lifford-Stranorlar had 317 cases and a rate of 1224, a rise of 158. The Donegal LEA saw 275 cases and a rate of 1038, an increase of 162, and in the Letterkenny LEA there were 322 cases and a rate of 1080, up 50.