LIFE HACK: Some Great Ideas to Reduce Your Energy Costs and Your Environmental Footprint!

Ahead of government advice on energy saving due shortly – we thought we would share some excellent ideas for saving money and energy

Stay in bed for 18 hours a day – whilst your boss/family/friends may not welcome this lifestyle change – just think of all the heating and electricity costs you are saving! #Hot

Walk and Cycle everywhere – as well as saving on fuel – you’ll lose weight and given Ireland’s climate you will likely get soaked everyday, thus saving the need for any showers or baths #Fit

Stop washing yourself completely – you will reduce your water usage and also save on entertainment costs as people will start not inviting you to social events. #Winning

Limit your number of toilet flushes – “Just remember this idiom, ‘If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown flush it down.’” #Lovely

Stop using your washing machine – just go back to 1950’s retro style washing – by soaking everything in soapy water and hand scrub any stains. As a plus – you’ll build up your upper arm strength #Strong

Recycle everything – for example you can always get an extra cup out of every tea bag by hanging them to dry on the washing line – just one of many great recycling ideas! #WhoHoo

Block up your Windows – windows are just terrible for heat loss – block them up and save! #Save

Use Candles instead of electric lights – Give your home a medieval vibe by lighting up candles instead. As a plus, your home will have a more romantic ambiance! #Romantic

Take your chargers everywhere and plug them into any free electric sockets you can find – at your workplace, public buildings, your family and friends houses etc… – better still invest in an industrial charger and run your whole home from it! #SuperSave

Save on your water usage, by installing water tanks outside your home. Admittedly, using untreated water for personal consumption may cause some health issues – but think of all the water you are saving! #SaveWater

Do your bit in the community – if you see people wasting energy – by washing their cars, watering their lawns,
leaving lights on around their home etc… do the responsible thing by banging on their door and giving them a right good talking to! I’m sure they’ll Thank You for it! #Community

Can you think of any we have missed? – Let us know in the comments! You’re Welcome!