Pandemic has huge impact on hospital waiting lists
Outpatient waiting lists grew by almost 100 thousand during the pandemic, according to the head of the HSE.
The Oireachtas Health Committee is due to hear from Paul Reid this morning at a meeting on the implementation of Sláintecare.
The pandemic had a huge impact on waiting lists
The outpatient list grew by 98 thousand, with day patient waiting lists also growing by 14 thousand
HSE boss Paul Reid will tell an Oireachtas committee this morning the 2021 action plan for waiting lists made some inroads, with a 21% reduction in the number of people waiting more than 18 months for an outpatient appointment.
Secretary General of the Department of Health Robert Watt will say a new plan for reducing waiting lists will go to Cabinet next week.
He’s expected to point out structural issues in the health service, with a new regional framework for the health service to be ready by the end of the year.
While the two health officials are at the committee to talk about Sláintecare, no doubt TDs and Senators will have other questions.
Allegations of fake recruitment targets and financial mismanagement in the HSE will be raised.
While Robert Watt is sure to face questions about the more than 80 thousand euro pay rise he got to become the Department of Health’s top civil servant.
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